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Tecumseh Town Council has one Mayor, one Deputy Mayor, and five Ward Councillors. Each serves a four-year term.

council photo 2023

Inauguration of the 2022 - 2026 Council took place on November 15, 2022. View the Mayor's Inaugural speech. The current Council will serve from November 15, 2022 until November 14, 2026. Everyone in the Town elects the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. You elect the Councillor for the ward you live in. Each member has one vote on items before Council.

Every year the Town prepares a calendar setting out holiday closures, Regular Council meetings and Committee meetings.  2025 Regular Council Meeting, Committee and Holiday Calendar

You can contact a member of Council by emailing them or by calling their personal phone number listed below. You can also call 519-735-2184, ext. 113 to speak to the Administrative Assistant to Mayor and Council.

Mayor Gary McNamara
Mayor Gary McNamara

Email the Mayor

Phone: 519-735-2184, extension 115

Deputy Mayor Joe Bachetti
Deputy Mayor Joe Bachetti

Email the Deputy Mayor

Phone: 519-979-3339Cell: 519-990-2981

Ward 1 Councillor Alicia Higgison
Ward 1 Councillor Alicia Higgison

Email Councillor Higgison

Phone: 226-350-0179

Ward 2 Councillor James Dorner
Ward 2 Councillor James Dorner

Email Councillor Dorner

Phone: 519-818-1797

Ward 3 Councillor Ricardo (Rico) Tonial
Ward 3 Councllor Rick Tonial

Email Councillor Tonial

Phone: 519-999-0344

Ward 4 Councillor Brian Houston
Ward 4 Councillor Brian Houston

Email Councillor Houston

Phone: 519-819-5782

Ward 5 Councillor Tania Jobin
Ward 5 Councillor Tania Jobin

Email Councillor Jobin

Phone: 519-791-4213


Regular Council meetings are at 7 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in the Council Chambers, located at Town Hall at 917 Lesperance Road. Special Council Meetings and Public Council Meetings occur at other times.

Meetings are streamed live on the Town's website.  Our Live Streaming Policy allows residents to participate in Council (and Committee) meetings from their own homes.

If you'd like to request to speak to Council at a meeting, you must register with the Clerk's Office.

View the Council Meeting Calendar to see our current schedule for Council and Committee meetings and to access agendas and minutes of meetings.   

Archived agendas and minutes can also be viewed.

The Council Code of Conduct sets out the principles and guidelines for ethical behavior that members of Council are expected to follow while carrying out their duties.

Under Section 223 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Town of Tecumseh has the authority to appoint an Integrity Commissioner. This individual has the power to investigate and address any complaints related to alleged violations of the Code of Conduct or any policies, procedures, or by-laws adopted by Council.

The Integrity Commissioner operates independently and is responsible for:

  1. Investigating complaints
  2. Adjudicating complaints
  3. Preparing and presenting reports to Council

To ensure the process is fair and not abused, a Complaint Application Fee of $125 is required. This fee will be refunded if the Integrity Commissioner determines the complaint is valid.

If you have witnessed or identified behavior by a Council member that you believe goes against the Code of Conduct, you can file a complaint. The process for doing so is outlined in the Council Code of Conduct, and you can submit your complaint using the form provided and email it to:

Michael Maynard, ADR Chambers Inc., 180 Duncan Mill Road, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M3B1Z6

Congratulatory certificates from the Council of the Town of Tecumseh are available to honour:

  • Birthdays (80 years or more);
  • Wedding anniversaries (50 years or more);
  • Anniversaries of private companies (50 years or more);
  • Anniversaries of non-profit service or social clubs and religious groups (25 years or more); and
  • Retirement (25 years or more).

If you would like to request a certificate, please contact the Administrative Assistant to the Mayor & Council at least 3 to 4 weeks before the event.

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act protects the information that you provide.

You can also request congratulatory letters from other levels of government. Contact them at:

If you would like to receive email notifications of Council or Committee meetings and other Tecumseh news or alerts, sign up for our News Subscription

The Municipal Act requires a Statement of Remuneration and Expenses paid to Councillors every year.  Every March 30th, the previous year's information is published. The Canada Revenue Agency defines the Councillors' salaries.  Expenses include travel and other costs.  

2021 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses 

2022 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses 

2023 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses 

Conflict of Interest Declarations

Amendments to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, state that Councillors are to declare conflicts in writing, to the Clerk before, or immediately following, a meeting. 

Contact Us

Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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