Planning and Development
Who we are / Contact us
We are located at Town Hall, 917 Lesperance Road, Tecumseh, ON, N8N 1W9
Phone Number: 519-735-2184
Planning Clerk & Secretary-Treasurer to the Committee of Adjustment ext. 132
Our role
Urban planning is guided by the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the County Official Plan and the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-laws. The Planning Department's role is to:
- review/approval of both long-range policy planning (Official Plan and Secondary Plans) and current development proposals (Zoning By-law, Plan of Subdivision, Site Plan Control, Minor Variance and Consent);
- review, develop and implement land use policies and land use by-laws;
- provide urban planning advice to Council, residents and landowners;
- balance the interests of people, the environment and the local economy to create a great place to live; and
- creates policy that supports effective land use strategies that better the quality of life for Tecumseh's residents.
Our services
The main services provided by the Planning Department are:
- Policy Planning
- Development Proposal review
- Zoning By-law and Official Plan Interpretation
- Urban Design
- Population/Growth Projections
Tecumseh Transit Service
The Planning Department also is responsible for the Tecumseh Transit Service. The Tecumseh Transit Service runs in the northerly urban area of the Town, operating as a service through the Town with a stop in the City of Windsor (Tecumseh Mall).
Other helpful information
More information on urban planning is available through the Government of Ontario's Citizens' Guides to Land-use Planning
Information on the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit's Active and Safe Routes to School is also available.
Contact Us
Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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