Committee of Adjustment
Committee's role
The Committee of Adjustment is responsible for rendering decisions on all applications for:
- consent to sever;
- minor variance; and
- permission relating to legal non-conforming uses
When rendering decisions, the Committee is to be guided by:
- the Planning Act;
- relevant Provincial Policy, Official Plan Policies and Zoning By-law regulations;
- comments from various agencies and residents; and
- local knowledge, past practices and individual circumstances pertaining to the application
Committee Members
Donna Ferris, Secretary-Treasurer
Tom Fuerth, Chair
Lori Chadwick
Paul Jobin
Chris Lanman
Tom Marentette
Tony Muscedere
Doug Pitre
Consent to Sever
A “consent to sever” or “application for severance” is typically filed if a property owner wants to divide an existing lot into two or more smaller lots. Consent applications may also deal with lot additions, easements, rights-of-way and technical severances. To apply, a consent application is required to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment at Town Hall.
Minor Variance
A minor variance application seeks permission to vary from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Common variance applications seek minor relief from a side yard or front yard requirements. The Planning Act establishes four tests that the Committee must consider when arriving at a decision.
These four tests are:
- whether the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained;
- whether the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained;
- whether the relief being sought is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure; and
- whether the relief being sought is minor in nature.
To apply, a minor variance application is required to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment at Town Hall.
For more information regarding the Committee of Adjustment and its procedure, please contact Donna Ferris, Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, (519) 735-2184 ext. 132.
Contact Us
Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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