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Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

The Town of Tecumseh, in collaboration with DIALOG (planning/urban design consultant) and Dillon Consulting Limited (engineering consultant), has re-initiated the process to finalize the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan.

The Tecumseh Hamlet Settlement Area (see Key Map below) is situated south of County Road 22 and is generally delineated by County Road 19/Manning Road to the east, County Road 42 to the south and Banwell Road to the west.

Map of Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan

The Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan Area is a composite of primarily large undeveloped lands that are currently farmed. In addition, there are a number of natural heritage landscapes and existing homes. The scope of work will consider the broader Settlement Area to carefully integrate key municipal infrastructure elements between the Secondary Plan Area Lands and existing built-up areas of the Hamlet. These key infrastructure elements include the extension of roads, trails, and underground services. A broader focus will ensure a holistic approach to the evolution of the Settlement Area and ensure that the boundary satisfies the requirements of future class EA and Master Plan study.

The Secondary Plan will address the integration of existing and new development, land use distribution, and related infrastructure requirements. It will seek to strengthen mobility and street network connectivity; build an interconnected network of public open space; identify the location and distribution of community facilities; and identify the future development intensity and scope. One of the main goals of the Plan will be to deliver a complete, walkable and diverse community, comprising sustainable neighbourhoods through the provision of a wide variety of land uses and building types, supported and enhanced by quality private development and public spaces and amenities.

Public Meeting - September 24, 2024

The Town of Tecumseh will be holding a Public Meeting related to the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan.  The Notice for the Public Meeting provides additional information on this meeting.

Draft Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan - August 2024

The Draft Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan, and the associated initial Administrative Report and Council Power Point Presentation are available for review.

Past Events

For additional background information, please refer below to the past events (and assocaited documents) that have occurred.

December 2022 Open House

An Open House was held in December of 2022 to review initial land use and design concepts for the Secondary Plan area.

April 2023 Public Information Centre (PIC)

Following the December 2022 Open House a Public Information Centre (PIC) was held in April of 2023 with respect to:

  1. Infrastructure Improvements/Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) & Functional Design; and
  2. Secondary Plan Project Update

The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared for the transportation, water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure required to service the area for future development opportunities.

Proposed infrastructure improvement design details and updated land use and design concepts were provided.

November 27, 2023 Public Information Centre (PIC)

Following the first Public Information Centre (PIC #1) held on April 13, 2023, a second in-person Public Information Centre (PIC #2) was held on November 27, 2023 to provide:

  1. An update on the Secondary Plan;
  2. An overview of the McAuliffe Park Regional Park expansion and enhancement plan;
  3. An update on the Class EA process; and
  4.  A summary of alternative municipal servicing design concepts and presentation of preliminary preferred land use design concepts.

These updated (November 2023) servicing design concepts and land use design concepts are available for review.

In addition, the purpose of the PIC #2 was to obtain public and agency feedback on the planning and engineering concepts prior to the completion of the Secondary Plan and Environmental Assessment, both of which were scheduled for completion early 2024.

Additional Information

The comment period related to PIC#2 and the Environmental Assessment was open until January 9, 2024, to ensure that affected stakeholders are provided with sufficient time to provide their input.

Town of Tecumseh Contacts

If you would like further information regarding the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan, or if you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the Town of Tecumseh.

Enrico De Cecco, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner
Town of Tecumseh
Phone: (519) 735-2184 ext. 123 Email:

Shane McVitty, P.Eng.
Development Engineer
Phone: (519) 735-2184 ext. 180

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