council chambers with mural

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Council Connect: Highlights from October 24, 2023, meetings of Council

Tecumseh Town Council met this evening and here are the highlights:

Regular Meeting of Council

Tecumseh Transit Service Recommended Minor Route Revisions: In May of this year, Council received a report recommending changes to the Tecumseh Transit Service (TTS) fixed route, effective June 1, 2023. The changes involved the removal, modification and addition of various bus stops. After the adoption of the updated route, the TTS still faces recurrent and substantial delays, often leading to it falling 30 minutes behind schedule. Administration recommended that 6 bus stops be eliminated from the Monday-Friday fixed-route TTS service: the Sobeys Plaza, Brighton Loop and Tecumseh Towne Centre Plaza. A new stop on Manning Road just north of Amy Croft will facilitate continued access to the Sobeys Plaza within a 5-minute walk. Council authorized the changes to the TTS bus schedule as of November 1, 2023.

Cat Intake and Voucher Program Renewal Agreement: Council received the report outlining the success of the Windsor Essex County Human Society Cat Intake Program, allowing residents to drop off stray cats for adoption or to be released after being spayed or neutered. A Voucher Program supporting residents to spay or neuter free-roaming/ feral cats as well as low-income residents to spay or neuter indoor or outdoor pet cats is also available. The Agreement with the Windsor Essex County Humane Society was renewed for the provision of cat intake and spay/neuter services, at an annual cost to the Town of $7,500. Council approved the report.

Amendment to the 2023 Parks Capital Works Plan – Bert Lacasse Baseball Park Upgrades: Council considered the report to add in-ground dugouts as part of the Bert Lacasse Baseball Park Upgrades Project to the 2023 CRS Parks Capital Works Plan. The Phase 1 renovations at Bert Lacasse Baseball Park did not encompass the construction of dugouts built into the ground.  Recently, St Clair College has confirmed a contribution of $250,000 of the $375,000 towards the inclusion of in-ground dugouts. Council approved a budget increase of $125,000 to accommodate the addition of in-ground dugouts as part of the Bert Lacasse Baseball Park Upgrades capital project funded through the Infrastructure Reserve.

Zoning By-law Amendment 12207 County Road 42 Scheduling of a Public Meeting: Council received the report about a zoning by-law amendment application that was filed to change the zoning pertaining to an approximate 0.50 hectare (1.23 acre) parcel of land located on the south side of County Road 42, approximately 60 metres (196 feet) west of its intersection with Lesperance Road (12207 County Road 42), in order to facilitate the construction of a 3- storey, 23-unit residential development, with associated indoor/outdoor parking and amenity areas. The proposed re-zoning also establishes site-specific lot, building, yard and parking provisions. Council authorized the holding of a public meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

2023 Water Division Financial Plan No. 040-301: Council approved the 2023 Water Division Financial Plan. The Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, O. Reg. 188/07, requires municipalities to obtain drinking water system licences as part of an overall Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS). The financial plan incorporates the operating, capital and reserve fund forecasts derived from the 2023 Approved Budget and the 2023 Water and Wastewater Rate Study. You can view the 2023 Water Financial Plan No. 040-301 on the Town website.

Lesperance Road Multi-Use Path, County Road 22 to County Road 42 – Project Update: As of September 2023, Dillon Consulting has progressed to the 75% design stage for the Lesperance Rd Multi-Use Path. The path design incorporates various elements, including accessible landings at County Road intersections, enhanced street lighting, upgrades to side street crossings, the addition of a pedestrian crosswalk near Abraham Cole Park, connectivity with forthcoming pathways along County Road 42, and the planting of trees along the trail wherever feasible. Administration intends to organize an open house style Public Information Centre (PIC) to engage with stakeholders and neighbouring landowners along the route of the upcoming Lesperance Road Multi-Use Path. After the PIC has taken place, the comprehensive project design and tender documents will be finalized. Subsequently, a tender request will be posted on the Town's Ebids website, with construction scheduled to commence in early 2024. Council received the update report for information.

Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is November 14, 2023. The meeting is scheduled to be held electronically. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website. Follow the Town of Tecumseh on Facebook and Twitter for news and the latest information.