council chambers with mural

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Council Connect: Highlights from June 25, 2024, meetings of Council

Regular Meeting of Council

You can the full reports for the June 25 meeting here.

Zoning By – Law Amendment West Side of Walker Road U-Haul Moving and Storage: A Zoning By-law amendment application was submitted by Amerco Real Estate Company pertaining to a 3.2 acre vacant property located on the west side of Walker Road/County Road 11 (north of its intersection with North Talbot Road), to facilitate the construction of a U-Haul moving and storage facility.  The proposed rezoning will also establish site-specific lot provisions for minimum lot area, loading spaces, parking spaces and driveways. A public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 

Zoning By-law Amendment 5485 Walker Road Scheduling of a Public Meeting: A Zoning By-law amendment application has been filed to change the zoning pertaining to a vacant 0.77 hectare property located north-west of the Walker Road and McCord Lane intersection (5485 Walker Road).  The application seeks to amend Zoning By-law 85-18 by rezoning the subject property from “Hamlet Commercial Zone (CH)” to a site-specific “Hamlet Commercial”  to permit the sale and service of motorcycles and other powersport vehicles. A public meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 

Oldcastle Heights Residential Subdivision Northeast Corner of 8th Concession/North Talbot Road Scheduling of a Public Meeting: A Zoning By-law amendment application was filed to change the zoning pertaining to a 20.8 hectare property located on the northeast corner of the 8th Concession/North Talbot Road intersection. This property is known as the Oldcastle Heights Residential Subdivision, for which draft approval has been given, subject to conditions, including this rezoning. A public meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 

Expanding Housing Choices and Improving Affordability Tecumseh Housing Accelerator Fund June 2024 Status Update: Council received an update on the implementation of the Town’s Housing Action Plan (HAP), specifically the nine (9) housing initiatives. Additionally, Council appointed Councillor Alicia Higgison to a newly formed Housing Advisory Panel. The Mayor will serve as ex-officio member. Other members of the panel will be appointed by Council from agencies including homebuilders, developers, realtors, housing corporation, community services and United Way. The Housing Advisory Panel will advise Council and Staff on HAP initiatives, such as housing density, parking requirements, mixed use development, affordable housing, additional residential units and streamlining planning application processes.  

OPP Detachment Board – Budget: Council approved the proposed budget for the balance of 2024 for the Essex County OPP Detachment Board #1. Senior Administration accounted for the first quarter 2024 expenditures for the previous Police Services Boards of the three municipalities (Tecumseh, Lakeshore and Essex), and proposed a combined budget for the new Board operations to the end of 2024. The draft budget of $70,300 provides for the Board to operate within the remaining 2024 police board budgets of the three member municipalities. Upon Council’s approval, the draft 2024 budget will be brought forward for consideration of approval by the Municipality of Lakeshore and Town of Essex. For reference, an annualized budget for the new Board was estimated at approximately $101,000. The 2025 budget will be drafted and approved by the Detachment Board prior to submission for approval by the respective municipal Councils.  

OPP Detachment Board Annual Report: Council received the annual report of the Essex County OPP Detachment Board #1, outlining activities of the Board to date as well as notable policing activities. The Municipal Liaisons have worked with the OPP to create this brief report on behalf of the Detachment Board to fulfill its legislative requirements.  

2023 Year-End Budget Variance: Council received the 2023 Year End Variance, showing a tax supported surplus of $434,058 and a rate-supported surplus of $6,896.  The tax supported surplus was primarily driven by an increase grant revenue and savings in employee wages and benefits. The surplus will go to the tax stabilization reserve fund and the small equipment reserve. The Town also benefited from a substantial increase in interest earnings, which will automatically go to the infrastructure reserve to be applied to capital projects. The rate supported surplus was primarily driven by greater than anticipated non-residential water consumption, offset by a greater than anticipated sanitary treatment rate increase at the Little River Pollution Control Plant.  

2024 Tar and Chip Tender Award: Council approved the recommended tender awards for Tar and Chip Road works in the amount of $260,790 excluding HST to Shepley Road Maintenance. Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. has been awarded the Tar and Chip Tender by the Town of Tecumseh over the past ten years, and the work has historically been completed in a professional and timely manner. By-law 2024-051 was given first, second and final reading.  

Source Water Protection 2023 Annual Progress Report: Council received a report and presentation from Essex Region Conservation Authority forthe 2023 Annual Source Water Protection program. Source Protection Plans (SSP) protect municipal wells and surface intakes from specific activities that may pose a threat to drinking water quality. Source Water Protection Progress Reports are submitted to the Town on an annual basis. The 2023 Source Water Protection Progress Report and the 2023 Risk Management Official Annual Progress Report highlight the progress  made towards the implementation of the Essex Region SPP for the year ending December 31st, 2023. You can view the report here.   

Notice of Motion - CADA Library Parking Lot: Deputy Mayor Bachetti brought forward a motion for Council’s consideration with respect to the CADA Library parking lot and how it continues to be used during operation hours by non-staff and non- patrons, resulting in a shortage of available parking spots for library staff and patrons. The current signage in the parking lot does not currently designate nor identify dedicated spots for library staff and patrons, does not identify hours being reserved for library staff and patrons and does not reference that parking in violation thereof may result in fines.  

Notice of Motion - Traffic By-Law 2001-36: Councillor Brian Houston brought forward a motion for Council’s consideration with respect to By-Law 2001-36.  The by-law regulates traffic and parking on highways and private roadways under the jurisdiction of the corporation of the Town of Tecumseh. It provides definitions for “Trailer” and “Vehicle” which together have the intent of placing restrictions and/or prohibition on street parking for certain types of trailers and vehicles. The current definitions within the by-law do not sufficiently identify or distinguish between both the various types and uses of trailers and vehicles and the corresponding restrictions that may be applicable as related to on street parking.  

Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is July 9, 2024. The meeting is scheduled to be held electronically. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website. Follow the Town of Tecumseh on Facebook and X for news and the latest information.