Alarm Registration
Residents of the Town of Tecumseh can register all security and fire alarms for a fee of $35.00.
Registration deadline is now EXTENDED until February 28, 2025.
Once you are registered, Police Services and Fire Services will each respond to two (2) “at fault false alarms” to any registered premises with an alarm during each calendar year without charge to the premises.
Charges for a third or any subsequent at fault false alarms or if the premises is unregistered, are as follows:
- Responding to Police Services alarm: $375 per call
- Responding to Fire Services alarm - fees based on current Ministry of Transportation response rates with respect to Fire Services per apparatus per hour (minimum 1 hour).
- The owner or occupier of a Registered Premise must attend their premises within 30 minutes of an activated fire alarm. Failure to attend within 30 minutes of a fire alarm will result in a charge using the Ministry of Transportation rate.
By-law 2025-019 False Alarm Police Services
By-law 2019-75 Fees and Charges for Fire Alarms
You can now complete and pay for your alarm registration online! The 2025 Alarm Registration Application is submitted electronically, along with the licence fee of $35.00 per registration.
If you have other companies on your premises, please use a separate application form for each business and include the $35.00 fee per business.
Accepted payment options are:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- NOTE: The description on your credit card statement will look similar to this: "BAMBORA INTERNET*" or "BAM*TOWN OF TECUMSEH" with a $35.00 charge.
If you have any questions, please contact 519-735-2184, ext.124.
For additional information on By-laws, please see our Frequently Requested By-Laws section.
Contact Us
Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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