Special Planning Study to Expand Housing Choices & Improve Affordability Notice of Public Open House
Why undertake the Study?
The Town of Tecumseh has commenced a Special Planning Study (“the Study”) to identify ways to update the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law to expand housing choices and improve affordability in both existing and new greenfield neighbourhoods. The focus of the Study is to look at how these neighbourhoods could support a broader range of housing types (including up to four housing units in low density residential districts), allowing residents to remain in Tecumseh as they age and supporting young families and households looking to enter the ownership or rental housing market in dwellings that they can afford. A Discussion Paper has been prepared by Town Consultant WSP Canada Inc. as part of the initial phase of this Study. This paper includes information that explains and illustrates various housing types and describes some of the key affordability challenges affecting Tecumseh residents. A number of case studies are also presented in this paper, summarizing how other municipalities are responding to these challenges and amending their land use planning documents to expand housing choices. An initial engagement with members of the public and interested stakeholders will help shape the regulatory changes that will be considered as part of subsequent phases of the Study. You are invited to attend an in-person Public Open House to learn more about the Study, the findings of the Phase 1 “Discussion Paper”, and to provide your input. Future public consultation will be held as part of subsequent phases of the Study, to present and receive feedback on a future Directions Report and options regarding changes that could be made to the Tecumseh Official Plan and Zoning By-law. This future public consultation is anticipated to be held later in 2024.
When and where is the Public Open House?
The in-person public open house will be a drop-in event. No registration is required.
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers (Town Hall) 917 Lesperance Road, Tecumseh, Ontario
Additional Information
A copy of the Phase 1 “Discussion Paper”, prepared by Town consultant WSP Canada Inc., will be available for review on the Town website at www.tecumseh.ca/expandhousingchoices as of Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Town Contact:
For more information, or to provide written comments please contact: Enrico De Cecco, Senior Planner Email address: edececco@tecumseh.ca Phone number: 519-735-2184 ext. 123
Dated at the Town of Tecumseh this 31st day of July 2024.
Contact Us
Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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