Tecumseh Council Connect - July 23
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Council Connect: Highlights from July 23, 2024, meetings of Council
Public Meeting of Council
Zoning By-Law Application: 5035 Walker Road, West Side Walker Road U-Haul: A meeting was held to hear public comments regarding a zoning by-law amendment application submitted for vacant land located on the west side of Walker Road/County Road 11, approximately 260 metres (853 feet) north of its intersection with North Talbot Road, in order to facilitate the construction of a U-Haul moving and storage commercial facility. The amendment application seeks to rezone the subject property from “Neighbourhood Commercial Zone (C2)” to a site specific “Business Park Zone (BP-6)” to permit the development.
Zoning By-Law Amendment Application: 5485 Walker Road: A meeting was held to hear public comment for a zoning by-law amendment application submitted for a vacant parcel of land located northwest of the Walker Road and McCord Lane intersection (5485 Walker Road). The amendment application seeks to rezone the subject property from “Hamlet Commercial Zone (CH)” to a site-specific “Hamlet Commercial (CH-6)” to permit the sale and service of motorcycles and other powersport vehicles such as ATVs, jet skis and dirt bikes.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application: Oldcastle Heights Subdivision - North Side of North Talbot Road: A meeting was held to hear public comment for a zoning by-law amendment application submitted for a parcel of land located at the northeast corner of the 8th Concession/North Talbot Road intersection (Oldcastle Heights Residential Subdivision). The application seeks to revise the current “Residential Zone 2 (R2-4)” regulations that apply to the property, in order to establish a minimum interior side yard width of 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) for all two-storey residential dwellings.
Regular Meeting of Council
December Holiday Schedule 2025: Council received a report that identifies the Town’s 2025 December Holiday Schedule in order to permit the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) to include all holidays and the dates on which the Town Hall is closed in the 2025 Collection Calendar. Tecumseh Town Hall Offices will be closed for the 2025 December Holiday Season from Wednesday, December 24 to Friday January 2, 2026. Council approved the report.
Council Conferences in 2025: Council received a report outlining authorized 2025 workshops, webinars, and training opportunities for Members of Council in accordance with the Town’s Professional Development Policy and subject to funding in the 2025 Budget. More information can be found here
Council Meetings in 2025: Council received a report identifying 2025 Regular Council Meeting dates that will be cancelled. The report outlines conflicts of Council Meetings with other municipal business, events, and activities and offers suggested resolutions to the noted conflicts. The dates are:
- July 8, 2025
- August 26, 2025,
- December 23, 2025
Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement: The Town is required to execute the Municipal Funding Agreement with the Canada Community-Building Fund (MFA) to continue receiving annual allocations from the fund. The Town previously entered into an agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the County of Essex (Essex). These agreements facilitate the transfer of Federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) revenues to Ontario Municipalities up to March 31, 2010. The MFA continues the provisions of the previous agreements to March 31, 2034. You can find more information here.
Taxes Receivable – June 2024: Council received a report on the status of Town property taxes outstanding as of June 30. The report outlines the outstanding taxes and provides insights into trends and potential areas of concern. As of June 30, 2024, tax receivables were $15.8 million (2023 – $15.2 million), with $1.8 million (2023 - $1.6 million) from prior years. You can find more information here.
Regional Food and Organic Waste Program Update: Council received an update on the Regional Food and Organic Waste Program. In 2018, the province issued a Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement pursuant to Section 11 of the 2016 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, compelling some Ontario municipalities to achieve certain waste diversion targets related to food and organic waste generated by single family dwellings in urban areas by 2025. On June 5, 2024, County Council received two separate reports pertaining to the Regional Food and Organics Waste Program from the EWSWA and County Administration. For further details about the reports, please click here.
Renewal of Municipal Drinking Water License and Drinking Water Works Permit for Tecumseh Distribution System: Council received a report on the Renewal of Municipal Drinking Water License for Tecumseh Distribution System. The Provincial Government, through the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), regulates Drinking Water Systems to ensure water quality and safety. Part of that regulation is the renewal of Municipal Drinking Water Licenses. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that every license be renewed within a five (5) year period. You can find more information here.
Appointment of Drainage Engineer – Washbrook Drain: Council received a report that provided a summary of the background and other information to assist in appointing an engineer to examine the drainage area on the Washbrook Drain. Oliver Moir, P.Eng., of Dillon Consulting Limited has been appointed Drainage Engineer to make an examination of the Washbrook Drain segment as submitted by the Road Authority in the “Notice of Request for Drainage Improvement”. The Drain is located on the south side of North Talbot Road, drains easterly, and is primarily located with an outlet into the 9th Concession Drain on the 9th Concession Road. You can find more information here.
2024 Development Charges Background Study and By-Law No. 2024-063: The Town’s current Development Charges Bylaw will expire in accordance with the Development Charges Act on August 31, 2024. A new 2024 Development Charges Background Study (“DC Background Study”) and associated DC By-law needs to be approved by Council prior to the expiration of the current DC By-law to continue the collection of DCs. The Town retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to prepare a new DC Background Study and DC By-law for Council’s consideration. You can find more information here.
Memorandum of Understanding and Zoning By-law Amendment Proposed Excess Soil Fill Site and Future Passive Municipal Recreational Area: Council received a report summarizing the proposal by Amico Infrastructure Inc. to permit its property located on the north side of South Talbot Road, east of its intersection with Howard Avenue, to be used as a temporary reuse site in accordance with Ontario Regulation 406/19: Onsite and Excess Soil Management, and long-term to be used for a naturalized, passive municipal recreational property. The Report provides details regarding an associated Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) and zoning by-law amendment application and indicates the need for a future site plan control agreement and new fill permit. You can find more information here.
Amendment to the 2024-2028 PWES Capital Works Plan: Council received a report for the amendment of the 2024-2028 PWES Capital Works Plan, Urban Forestry and Naturalization Master Plan. The report recommends that the Urban Forestry and Naturalization Master Plan study, with project expenditures of $200,000, is approved and funded from the Infrastructure Reserve. Completion of the Urban Forestry and Naturalization Master Plan will provide goals and policies to guide Council towards achieving and maintaining an increased urban forestry canopy coverage. Councl approved the report.
Rural Economic Development (RED) Program, Tecumseh Main Street CIP Streetscaping and Landscaping Beautification – Lesperance North Contribution Agreement: Ontario’s Rural Economic Development (RED) program provides cost-share funding to support activities that create strong rural communities in Ontario and opens doors to rural economic development. The funding from the RED program will assist with the installation of street trees, landscaping and decorative lighting along Lesperance Road from McNorton Street to First Street. The Town received notice from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) for funding approval in the amount of $240,000 for the Town’s application for the RED program. Council approved the execution of a by-law authorizing the Agreement.
Town of Tecumseh Parking Lots: Council received a report for the amendment of Traffic By-Law 2001-36 to permit the issuance of fines and/or penalties (“tickets”) for parking in restricted areas of Town parking lots. At the Regular Council Meeting of Council on June 25th, 2024, a resolution was passed stating that the administration, in consultation with library staff will take reasonable steps to better identify a certain number of designated parking spots for library staff and patrons and for the administration to review the current Traffic By-Law 2001-36 pertaining to enforceability in regards to those designated parking spots so as to better promote compliance. Administration will review enhanced signage and will further come back with the subject proposed amendment to the Traffic By-law in September 2024.
Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare Facility Lease Agreement: Council received the Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare Facility Lease Agreement. In April 2024, Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare confirmed that they were interested in pursuing a facility in Tecumseh to operate a satellite location for cardiac rehabilitative care services. Administration negotiated a Facility Lease Agreement for these services to be provided by Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare at the 12420 Lanoue Street facility for a 5year and 4-month period, commencing September 2024 with an option to extend in 5year periods, pending review, at an annual lease rate of $25,000 dollars. You can find more information about the agreement here.
Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is August 13, 2024. The meeting is scheduled to be held electronically. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website. Follow the Town of Tecumseh on Facebook and X for news and the latest information.
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Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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