Tecumseh Council Connect - March 11, 2025
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Council Connect: Highlights from March 11, 2025 meetings of Council
Public Council Meeting
Housing Accelerator Fund Initiatives 1-4: Council heard public comment on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to implement the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Initiatives 1,2,3 & 4. Associated reports for each initiative can be found here. Delegates Brian Hillman, Director Development Services and Larry Silani of MillerSilani Inc provided presentations for all four (4) HAF Initiatives, along with Will Lamond of WSP for HAF Initiatives 1 and 3 where the following presentations were also provided:
Housing Accelerator Fund Initiative 1: 4 Units As-of-Right
Housing Accelerator Fund Initiative 3: Residential Intensification n the Manning/Tecumseh District
Additional information and resources can be found on the Town’s website at:
Regular Meeting of Council
Community & Recreation Services 2025-2029 Five (5) Year Capital Works Plan: Council received a report outlining the Community & Recreation Services 2025-2029 Five (5) Year Capital Works Plan. Twenty-seven (27) projects are proposed with a total budget of $9.65M, including a previously approved allocation of $3.8M, and $5.9M as a newly recommended allocation for 2025. The plan contains 10 previously identified projects, 12 new projects, and 1 carryover project from 2024. Notable projects for 2025 include the following:
Southfield Park – Splashpad, Washroom, Multi-Use Court and Perimeter Trail
Lakewood Park South Water Feature, Washroom, Pavilion Amenities
Rocheleau Park - Trail, Naturalized Area and Outdoor Active Play Area
Arena Rink ‘A’ and Rink ‘B’ Dehumidifier Unit Replacement
Funding sources such as partnerships, sponsorships, and senior government grants have been secured for some projects identified in the Capital Works Plan and will continue to be pursued to help offset Town costs for planned initiatives. Council approved the report and authorized a one-time transfer from the Infrastructure Reserve to the Arena Life Cycle Reserve in the amount of $2.5M in response to the significant costs incurred through the Arena restoration project. The Life Cycle Buildings Reserve is also projecting a deficit position primarily due to major facility renovations over a short period of time. While these types of renovations have not been considered in the annual lifecycle allocation, such requirements are identified in the Town’s updated Asset Management Plan. This shortfall will be addressed during the 2026 Budget process.
Lakewood Park Improvement Project-Tender Award: Council awarded the tender for the Lakewood Park Improvement Project in the amount of $3,899,319.40 excluding HST, to Bear Construction and Engineering Inc. The project includes an all-season washroom facility, a water feature, a natural amphitheatre with an entertainment pavilion, and a food truck/event plaza area. These new features and elements will complement the existing park landscape. The tendered costs exceeded a remaining project funding balance of $2,886,614.49 primarily due to rising construction costs and the added cost of water servicing that was not accounted for in the original project estimates. It was recommended that the difference be accommodated through the Infrastructure Reserve Fund. Council approved the recommendations.
Fairplay Woods Update: Council received a report regarding the Fairplay Woods property, which has been owned by the Town since 2003 for conservation purposes. In late January 2025, it was brought to Administration’s attention that hunting activity was occurring at Fairplay Woods as well as along the adjacent right of way. Results from an investigation by Administration identified the following actions to be taken immediately: erect signage identifying the property as Town of Tecumseh lands, prohibiting non-agricultural vehicles on Town-owned property, and adding the Fairplay Woods area as a hunting exclusion zone through an amendment to the Town’s hunting by-law (By-Law 2001-37). Anticipated costs of signage and improvements to the entry area at Baseline Road will be up to $6,000 and funded through the Parks Annual Re-occurring budget. Council approved the report.
Tecumseh Transit Service (TTS) 2024 Annual Status Report: Council received a report summarizing ridership and revenue figures for the Tecumseh Transit Service (TTS) throughout the 2024 calendar year. TTS recently completed its fifteenth year of operation and experienced increases in both ridership and revenue (7.5% and 14% respectively) compared to 2023. Peak periods for ridership in 2024 were between 7:00-8:00am and 3:00-5:00pm coinciding with commuting to and from work or school. Introduction of new electric buses into TTS operations is expected before the end of March. The buses were purchased with assistance from the federal Rural Transit Solutions Fund. Council approved the report.
Adoption of Municipal Drain By-Law- 3rd Concession Drain: Council received the report and recommendation to adopt the Engineer’s Drainage Report for the 3rd Concession Drain (prepared by Dillon Consulting Ltd. & N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd.) through By-law 2025-028, recommending drain improvements and an updated schedule of assessments approved by the Town of LaSalle’s By-law 8335. When necessary, municipalities work together to repair and improve a municipal drain that crosses municipal boundaries. Adoption of the Engineer’s Drainage Report undertaken by the Town of LaSalle ensures Town will have the authority to undertake future maintenance works and/or issue assessments, pursuant to the details and schedules of assessment provided within the engineering reports. By-law 2025-028 was given a first, second and final reading.
Brouillette Court Watermain Replacement - Tender Award: The Brouillette Court Watermain Replacement tender in the amount of $357,741 was awarded to D’Amore Construction. The project involves replacing the existing 150mm diameter ductile watermain with approximately 85 meters of 200mm diameter PVC watermain and 50 meters of 150mm diameter PVC watermain. Replacing the existing ductile will reduce the risk of decreased water quality and watermain breaks. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2025.
Cedarwood Sanitary Pump Station Reconstruction Project Award of Engineering Consulting Services: Council awarded Engineering Consulting Services for the Cedarwood Sanitary Pump Station Reconstruction Project in the amount of $939,885 (excluding HST) to Stantec Consulting Ltd. The reconstruction project was approved for federal funding under the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) in May 2024 and will ensure optimal operating efficiencies of the pumps and pump components to avoid frequent maintenance and reduce the potential for future pump failure. The Town will receive 40% funding for eligible expenses up to a maximum of $3.6M through the DMAF program. By-law 2023-029 was given a first, second and final reading.
Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is March 25, 2025. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website. Follow the Town of Tecumseh on Facebook and X for news and the latest information.
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Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
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