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Tecumseh Council Connect - February 27, 2024

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Council Connect: Highlights from February 27, 2024, meetings of Council

Special Meeting of Council

Sanitary Model Recalibration and Basement Flood Risk Mitigation Study:  Council received an administrative report regarding the study undertaken by Dillon Consulting Ltd (PWES-2018-08) to provide recommendations for mitigating basement flooding risk within the Town’s northern urbanized residential areas. The report titled ‘Sanitary Model Recalibration and Basement Flood Risk Mitigation Study, Dillon Consulting Ltd., January 2024’ was adopted by Council and is available on the Town’s website.  A total of twelve (12) actions and recommendations were provided in the report, as well as recommended Sanitary Sewer Improvements for the Cedarwood Sanitary Pump Station and County Road 22 drainage areas.  The Study identified $37.6M (2024 dollars) for infrastructure upgrades to the sanitary sewer system. Funding for these projects would be sourced from a combination of rates, long-term debt and reserve funds. The projects and costs will be incorporated into the Town’s Water and Wastewater Rates Study.

Regular Meeting of Council

You can view the reports here:" target="_blank" 

Tecumseh Senior Active Living Centre: Council received a report recommending the formal launch of a Senior Active Living Centre at the St. Clair Beach Community Centre, to be operated and managed by the Community Support Centre (CSC) of Essex. The Senior Active Living Centre will incorporate programming currently offered by the Golden Age Club and include a yearly membership fee of $25 per person/year (subject to annual budget deliberations) beginning January 1, 2025. Launching the Senior Active Living Centre is a key part of expanding seniors programming throughout Tecumseh to ensure more seniors can access a wide range active and passive activities.  Council approved the report and directed Administration to return on March 26th, 2024 with the necessary agreements for Council’s consideration.

Maidstone Recreation Centre New Septic System: Council authorized the supply and installation of a new septic system at the Maidstone Recreation Centre by Glen Knight Septic Tank Service for $124,510.00 (plus $2,191.38 non-refundable HST). The new system is necessary to support additional sewage flow and to meet Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements due to the construction of the new outdoor washroom facility. Council approved the report.

Rodent Abatement Program Review: Council received a report that outlined options regarding the future of a Town-sponsored Rodent Abatement Program.  The Town launched a program in November of 2022 to assist residential owners with the cost of using appointed pest control services to remove rats on exterior properties, offering a rebate up to 50% of $360 plus HST. Since November 2022, twenty-two (22) property owners have utilized the program for a total of $4,474.80 in rebates. Of the options presented, Council provided direction to Administration to move forward with Option 1, which includes utilizing the remainder of the funding allocation in 2024 or until the remaining funding allocation is exhausted, whichever comes first. Regardless of funds remaining, the Program would be discontinued as of December 31, 2024.

2024 Road Needs Study -Award of Engineering Consulting Services: Council authorized retaining Dillon Consulting Limited for Engineering Consulting Services for the 2024 Road Needs Study based on their experience with past completion of the 2003, 2008, 2014 and 2019 Road Needs Studies. Continuity of the consultant for this study is important to maintain consistency with the asset condition assessments and reporting framework. The cost for the Engineering Consulting Services of $130,550 is allocated within the 2024-2028 PWES Five Year Capital Works Plan.

Lesperance Road (County Road 22 to Westlake Drive) Right Turn Lane Construction – Award of Engineering Consulting Services: Council authorized retaining R.C Spencer Associates Inc. to complete detailed design, contract administration and construction observation related to the Lesperance Road Right Turn Lane at County Road 22 Project.  R.C. Spencer Associates Inc. previously completed an intersection review and traffic operations analysis in October 2023, which resulted in findings and recommendations that were incorporated into the PWES Capital Works Plan. The estimated cost for the Engineering Consulting Services is $60,000 (excluding HST).

2024 Bridge Needs Study Award of Engineering Consulting Services: Council authorized retaining Dillion Consulting Ltd. to complete the 2024 Bridge Needs Study based experience in executing previous studies (spanning 2004-2022) and the importance to maintain a consistent approach and framework when reviewing the Town’s bridge infrastructure. Each bridge structure will be inspected, producing reports that highlight the structural condition, including defects, deficiencies, and maintenance needs.  The cost of Engineering Consulting Services is $43,400 funded from the Bridge Life Cycle Reserve.

11th Concession Drain Branch – Tender Award: Council approved the tender award for the 11th Concession Drain Branch to Di Menna Excavating Contractors Inc. in the amount of $28,925.00 (excluding HST). Eight (8) tender submissions were reviewed by Dillon Consulting Ltd. resulting in a recommendation that the low tender be awarded by Council.  The 11th Concession Drain Branch project consists of replacing and upgrading existing culvert enclosures along the west side of 11th Concession Road, replacing catch basins, and connecting a new outlet into the County Road No. 42 Drain. A permit to complete the work was received from the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) on January 25, 2024.

Town of Tecumseh Water Distribution System: Annual and Summary Report for the Year 2023: Council received the 2023 Annual and Summary Reports in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Annual Report captures overall quality of drinking water supplied to consumers (forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & Parks) and for 2023 confirms Town compliance with the regulations.   The Summary Report contains information on the drinking water system’s operation and management, as well as activity in Tecumseh’s water distribution system during the year, including regulatory requirements the drinking water system failed to meet and actions taken to correct any issues.  Council adopted the annual and summary reports, which are available for public viewing here.

Drinking Water Quality Management System Operational Plan: Council received and approved the report, including recommendations to endorse and commit to the Drinking Water Quality Management System Operational Plan. Proposed updates to the Operational Plan (acquired through staff suggestions, changes in administrative or work processes, internal audits, external audits, MECP inspections and regulatory updates) are submitted to the Management Review Committee for approval. Approved updates for the 2024 Operational Plan include revisions to titles and classifications, as well as additions to the Roles & Responsibilities Section. The full plan can be found here.

Tecumseh Water Distribution System Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Inspection Report: The report was received by Council, including attachments containing the Tecumseh Water Distribution Inspection Report and Inspection Summary Rating Record.  The results of the 2023 Inspection Report found that the Town’s distribution system had one non-compliance with regulatory requirements and zero best practice recommendations.  The Inspection Summary Rating Record provides a summarized quantitative measure of the drinking water system’s annual inspection and regulated water quality testing performance. For 2023, Tecumseh’s municipal residential drinking water system achieved a rating of 98.37%.  The report and attachments can be found here.

Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting of Council is March 12, 2024. The meeting is scheduled to be held electronically. The agenda and livestream will be available on the Town’s website. Follow the Town of Tecumseh on Facebook and X for news and the latest information.

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Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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