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Community Awards

Applications are being accepted for the following awards for 2025:

The deadline for applications is Friday, April 25, 2025 and award recipients will be delegations at the June 24, 2025 Regular Council Meeting.

Below is a description and brief history of each award along with the eligibility criteria and past recipients. 

To submit the online application form, fill out all the required fields and hit "Submit".  Your application will automatically be submitted to the Town of Tecumseh. If you wish to save the application and come back at a later date to complete it, simply hit the "Save" button at the bottom of the sheet. If you have difficulty completing the form, please call 519-735-2184, ext. 117.


Dr. Henri Breault was born in Tecumseh on March 4, 1909, the middle son of Joseph and Maria Breault.

Dr. Henri Breault resided on Tecumseh Road between St. Anne Street and Poisson Street. He attended elementary school in Tecumseh and then went on to the University of Ottawa High School and College and received his B.A. in 1931. Henri continued his education at the University of Western Ontario Medical School in London and received his M.D. in 1936. He did his internship at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Windsor and his residency in Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. He eventually opened his practice in Windsor in July 1939.

Dr. Breault married Monica, and had two daughters, Elise and Rosemary. He retired in 1980 and died September 5, 1983. He was buried in Tecumseh at St. Anne's Cemetery and was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame on May 29, 1997.

The story of the development of the Palm N' Turn Safety Cap begins in 1957 with the establishment of the Windsor Poison Control Centre to help solve the problem of childhood poisoning, which was very common at the time. Two to three children per day were brought to the centre to have their stomachs pumped because they had ingested different kinds of medications, remedies, vitamins, and household solvents that were in containers easy to uncap. He felt a simple solution of prevention had to be found to this common problem. With his agile mind, organizational abilities, dedication and determination, he was able to invent a cap and have it manufactured. Through many hours of lecturing and demonstrations to his colleagues, the pharmaceutical industry, and anyone else who wanted to listen, Dr. Breault was able to get the cap approved by all levels of government.

By January 1972, Ontario made the safety cap mandatory on all containers of medications and household solvents. In 1974, the other provinces followed and the Federal Hazardous Products Act was passed, which mandated safety caps packaging for household products. In 1980, the United States also adopted the safety cap legislation. Since then, child poisoning has been reduced by approximately 92%. Of the remaining 8%, 4 to 5% of poisonings are due to parents not putting the cap on the container. 

It took Dr. Henri Breault 17 to 18 years to get his project completed which shows true dedication and perseverance.

Background criteria

The Town of Tecumseh's Dr. Henri Breault Committee was established in the year 2000 with a mandate to "actively pursue candidates who have displayed continued dedication and perseverance to a cause or causes that have ultimately benefited the citizens of the Town of Tecumseh and the general public at large and presents awards to individuals for their dedication and perseverance”.

Guidelines for selection by Committee

The following are the guidelines for receipt of the Dr. Henri Breault Award:

  • The recipient must be living at the time of selection as recipient of the award;
  • The recipient can be an individual of any age or a family, group, or company; and
  • The recipient must have had significant accomplishments that benefited the citizens of the Town of Tecumseh or the public at large.
Past recipients

2022 - None Awarded

2021 - Anita Imperioli

2020 - None Awarded

2019 - None Awarded

2018 - Larry Desanti

2017 - Michael J. Rovers

2016 - Tecumseh Goodfellows Team #35

2014 - Brian Sherwell

2013 - John McGivney

2012 - Bernarda Camello-Doctor

2010 - Robert (Bob) Waronchak

2009 - Louis Gouin

2008 - Michael Solcz

2007 - Dr. Albert Schumacher

2006 - Tony J. Azar

2005 - Anthony P. Toldo

2004 - Bill Onslow, Anne "Cookie" Rigo, and Michael and Kathleen Rocheleau

2000 - George Rocheleau, Don Lappan, and John Poole

1998 - John Staley



Donny was an employee of the Town of Tecumseh with the Public Works/Water Department for 28 years and a 33 year member of the Tecumseh Fire and Rescue Services Department. He was also a diligent volunteer, having been a past president with the Tecumseh Goodfellows and a member of the Fr. Nicholas Point Council 4375 Tecumseh Knights of Columbus. Donny had a zest for life and brought happiness to those around him. We celebrate the memory of Donny, whose grand voice boomed only in fun and friendship, whose grin made everyone crack a smile, whose positive energy elevated the spirits of all around him.

Background and criteria

The Town of Tecumseh established the Donald “Donny” Massender Memorial Volunteer Award in 2010 to annually recognize a person who has made exceptional contributions to the citizens of the Town, or the public at large and is well-known for his/her work as an outstanding fundraiser, advocate and supporter of charitable organization(s).

Recipients of the Donald “Donny” Massender Memorial Volunteer Award are recognized for the highest level of volunteerism and public service and demonstrate an unselfish desire to help others and have a compassion to assist those in need.

The recipient of the Donny Massender Award will also be nominated for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Volunteerism in Ontario and the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship.

Guidelines for selection by Committee 

The following are the guidelines for receipt of the Donny Massender Award:

  • The recipient must be living at the time of selection as recipient of the award;
  • The recipient can be an individual of any age or a family, group, or company; and
  • The recipient must have had significant accomplishments that benefited the citizens of the Town of Tecumseh or the public at large.
 Past recipients

2022 - Heather Holding

2021 - Edward Janisse

2020 - None Awarded

2019 - None Awarded

2018 - Richard Zarour

2017 - Frank Perissinotti

2016 - Rose Rennie

2015 - Joe Chauvin

2014 - John Poole and Robert Labute

2013 - Jan Wright

2012 - Kate Shaw and Andre Letarte

2011 - Ricardo (Rico) Tonial

2010 - Natalie Lapointe 

 Background and criteria

The Ontario Senior of the Year Award gives each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local Ontarian who, after the age of 65, has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of his or her community.

Nominees must be a resident of the Town. No person shall receive the award posthumously. Nominees must have made their community a better place to live.

The award is limited to an individual and must be at least 65 years of age. Seniors who qualify for this award may have contributed in many different fields, such as the arts, literature, community service, voluntarism, education, fitness and sport or humanitarian activities.

The recipient of the Tecumseh Senior of the Year Award will also be nominated for the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Senior of the Year Award.  This award honours one outstanding local Ontarian who, after the age of 65, has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of his or her Community. 


The following are the guidelines for receipt of the Senior of the Year Award:

  • The recipient must be 65 years of age or older;
  • The recipient must be living at the time of selection as recipient of the award;
  • The recipient can be an individual of any age or a family, group, or company; and
  • The recipient must have had a significant level of volunteerism that benefited the citizens of the Town of Tecumseh or the public at large.
 Past Recipients

2023 - Shirley Drouillard

2022 - Lynda Lacombe

2021 - None Awarded

2020 - None Awarded

2019 - Rita Ossington

2018 - Judy Wellwood-Robson

2017 - Kenneth Coulson

2016 - Paul Morand

2015 - Susie Korchnak

2014 - Doreen Ouellette

2013 - André Roy

2012 - Richard Nosella

2011 - None Awarded

2010 - Louis Gouin

2009 - Madeline Bonham


 Background and criteria

The Youth of the Year Award was established in 2020.

Recipients of the Youth of the Year Award are recognized for displaying continued dedication and leadership and are the best of Tecumseh’s caring and diverse community who stand as a shining example for everyone. The nominee will have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community that has ultimately benefited the citizens of the Town and the general public at large without thought of personal or financial gain. 


The following are the guidelines for receipt of the Youth of the Year Award:

  • The recipient must be under the age of 23;
  • The recipient must be enrolled in school (elementary, secondary or post-secondary);
  • The recipient must be living at the time of selection as recipient of the award;
  • The recipient can be an individual of any age or a family, group, or company; and
  • The recipient must demonstrate outstanding community engagement in activities such as, but not limited to, volunteerism, community-based learning or research, outreach partnership, and curricular engagement. 
 Past Recipients

2023 - Grace Allison

2022 - Jocelyn Adams

2021 - Teanna Kavanagh

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Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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