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Noise Bylaw Exemption

The Town of Tecumseh prides itself on being a great place to live and visit. 

With keeping that in mind, the Town of Tecumseh, following engagement with the community, has established a new Noise By-Law to address the concerns of its residents, businesses, local stakeholders, and the Town’s By-Law Enforcement team.

The most common types of noise concerns relate to loud music, construction noise, loud vehicles, animal noise, and domestic noise.

The new Noise By-Law establishes guidelines for the making of noise, including type of noise and permitted times, as appliable, as well as the procedures and steps to obtain a temporary exemption. 

A brief summary of the key points of the By-Law follows, but we encourage you to review the By-Law in its entirety to ensure compliance.

General Prohibition

The By-Law prohibits the emission of noise, at any time, which is clearly audible at a Point of Reception (any premises other than the premises where the sound is originating from) which is likely to disturb inhabitants of the Town.

Prohibitions by Time & Area

Save and except for exempted areas, the By-Law restricts certain types of noise during noted time periods in Schedule “A” thereto, including additional restrictions for Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.

Loud Music

The By-Law restricts loud music by the use Sound Reproduction Devices and Sound Amplification Devices (as defined in said By-Law) which noise is prohibited beginning at 9 p.m. in Residential Area or properties that are abutting a residential property and beginning at 11 p.m. in all other areas.

Motor Vehicle Noise

While the By-Law does not regulate traffic (already regulated under the Highway Traffic Act), it does regulate noise from motor vehicles on private property. It requires motor vehicles be equipped with a working muffler and prohibits noise such as squealing of tires, revving of an engine, and dynamic or engine breaking. It also prohibits the idling of motor vehicles for more than 3 minutes, with the necessary exemptions for weather and proper operation of the vehicle.

Animal Noise

Persistent noise made by an animal, including but not limited to barking, calling, or whining, is prohibited by the By-Law. Persistent is defined as occurring continuously for a period of 10 minutes or more or occurring intermittently over a period of 1 hour or more.

Fireworks, Explosives & Firearms

The By-Law prohibits the use of fireworks and firearms in all circumstances unless otherwise authorized.

General Exemptions

The By-Law provides exemptions for public safety, essential services provided by the Town, Town operations, special events approved by the Town, construction conducted by a level of government, normal farm practices, bells, or chimes at a place of worship or school, public transit, trains, bells or horns for traffic control, and snow removal necessary to render safe any property of a business, school, apartment, or condominium.

Temporary Noise Exemptions

The By-Law delegates authority to the Municipal Clerk to authorize Temporary Noise Exemptions with authority to attach conditions to such approvals. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, noise mitigation measures, the type and volume of permitted noise, notification requirements to the surrounding neighbourhood, a requirement that a qualified individual monitor the sound and file a report with the Town at the applicant’s expense, and a requirement that a By-law Enforcement Officer monitor the event or other activity at the applicant’s expense. These conditions are issued on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Municipal Clerk (or designate) and are final and not subject to appeal.

Requests for Temporary Noise Exemption

To obtain a permit for temporary exemption to the Noise By-Law, you must submit an application for exemption no later than 30 days prior to the expected occurrence and pay the application fee of $50.00 (non-refundable).


Apply for Temporary Exemption

Contact Us

Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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