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The Council of the Town of Tecumseh appoints councillors and community representatives to several committees and boards.

View our Meeting Calendar to access agendas and minutes for some of these committees/boards. 



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See Policy 04 - Committee/Local Board Application and Appointment for more information.

Applications were considered for the Tecumseh Election Compliance Audit Committee for the 2022 Municipal and School Board Elections at the May 10, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. More information on the Committee is contained in the Terms of Reference

The Committee will perform the duties relating to the compliance audit application process as outlined in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Act) including:

  • considering a compliance audit application received by an elector and deciding whether the application should be granted or rejected;
  • appointing an Auditor, if the application is granted;
  • receiving the Auditor's report;
  • reviewing the Auditor's report and deciding whether legal proceedings should be commenced; and
  • determining whether to recover the costs of conducting the compliance audit from the applicant, if the Auditor's report indicates there were no apparent contraventions and, if there were no reasonable grounds for the application.

Committee Members

The following individuals are on the Tecumseh Election Compliance Audit Committee

  • Mary Birch
  • Katherine Hebert
  • Jerry Marion
  • Mary Masse

Information on the BIA

What is a BIA?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a “made-in-Ontario” innovation that allows local business people and commercial property owners and tenants to join together and, with the support of the municipality, to organize, finance, and carry out physical improvements and promote economic development in their district. Traditionally, a BIA is a body established by a municipality using the specific business improvement area provisions in the Municipal Act, 2001. It is governed by a board of management. BIAs are local entities, and the legislation states they are local boards. The TOTBIA represents all of the property and business owners within a designated geographical boundary which encompasses Wards 1 (Old Tecumseh) and 2 (St. Clair Beach), the area south of County Road 22 including businesses on Lesperance Road north of West Lake Road, with the exception of industrial properties and privately owned clubs.

Map of the TOTBIA boundary

Functions of a BIA

  • To oversee the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally-owned land, buildings and structures in the area beyond that provided at the expense of the municipality generally;
  • To promote the area as a business or shopping area;
  • To undertake strategic planning necessary to address business improvement area issues;
  • To advocate on behalf of the Members of the business improvement area;

Basic responsibilities of the TOTBIA Board of Management

  • Plan and administer activities for the promotion of TOTBIA as an attractive business and shopping area and for the maintenance of the appearance of the business core;
  • Engage in strategic planning necessary to address TOTBIA issues;
  • Advocate on behalf of the interests of TOTBIA;
  • Manage the money that is collected by the Corporation from the required BIA levy for these activities;
  • Attempt to ensure that each Member receives fair representation from the Board.

Board of Management – Overview

Administration and strategic management of a Business Improvement Area is generally the responsibility of the board of management. In particular, the board of management is typically responsible for overseeing the planning, budgeting, implementing and evaluating of BIA projects. The term of the directors of a board of management is the same as the term of the council that appointed them, but continues until their successors are appointed. Directors are eligible for re-appointment.

TOTBIA Board of Management:

  • The Board consists of seven (7) Directors; selected by a vote of the Members at an Annual General Meeting, following an election year, and then are appointed as Directors by Town Council;
  • In addition, Town Council shall appoint two (2) Directors and one (1) Council Liaison. The Council liaison is required to attend meetings and take part in sub-committee meetings but does not have a vote;
  • Directors shall each have one vote. A quorum for conducting any meeting of the Board shall consist of a majority plus one;
  • The Board shall assume office the first day following the appointment by Town Council;
  • The Board shall have the following Officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer. At the first meeting of the Board, the Board shall, amongst themselves, elect the Officers;
  • The Board meets once a month.

To learn more about the Tecumseh BIA and access their minutes and agendas, visit their website

Meeting details

The BIA meets monthly, on the third Wednesday, at 6:00 pm, in the BIA office located at 12122 Tecumseh Rd. E. Unit 2, Tecumseh, ON, N8N 1L9 unless noted otherwise.  The following are the scheduled meeting dates for 2023: 

  • Wednesday, January 18, 2023
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2023
  • Tuesday, March 14, 2023
  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Wednesday, June 21, 2023
  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023
  • Wednesday, August 16, 2023
  • Wednesday, September 20, 2023
  • Wednesday, October 18, 2023
  • Wednesday, November 15, 2023
  • Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Committee members

The BIA Board of Management is composed of nine (9) members, with two (2) directors appointed by Council and seven (7) directors selected by a vote of the membership of the improvement area. A selected Council member acts as a liaison between the Board and Council.

The following are the representatives on the BIA for the term of Council ending November 14, 2026:

  • Councillor James Dorner
  • Councillor Brian Houston
  • Lauren Carcelen
  • Jules Champoux
  • Leo Demarce
  • Travis Dorner
  • Eddy Mohamad Hammoud
  • Jeffrey Huffman
  • Josh Shepley
  • Sandra Zanet

Information on Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is responsible for holding hearings under the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 (Planning Act) with respect to minor variances to the Town’s Zoning By-law and applications for consents to severances which result in the creation of a new lot(s) or lot additions.

The Planning Act permits the council of the municipality, by by-law, to constitute and appoint a committee of adjustment for the municipality composed of such persons, not fewer than three (3), as the council considers advisable.

The members of the committee who are not members of a municipal council shall hold office for the term of the council that appointed them, and the members of the committee who are members of a municipal council shall be appointed annually. 

Meeting details

The Committee of Adjustment meets once a month on the 4th Monday, at 5:00 pm, in the Council Chambers of Tecumseh Town Hall. Agendas and minutes can be accessed on the Meeting Calendar

The following are the scheduled meeting dates for 2023:

  • Monday, January 23, 2023
  • Monday, February 27, 2023
  • Monday, March 27, 2023
  • Monday, April 24, 2023
  • Monday, May 29, 2023
  • Monday, June 26, 2023
  • Monday, July 31, 2023
  • Monday, August 28, 2023
  • Monday, September 18, 2023
  • Monday, October 23, 2023
  • Monday, November 27, 2023
  • Monday, December 11, 2023

Committee members

The Committee is comprised of seven (7) members from the public.

The Committee members for the term ending November 14, 2026 are:

  • Lori Chadwick
  • Tom Fuerth
  • Paul Jobin
  • Christopher Lanman
  • Tom Marentette
  • Tony Muscedere
  • Doug Pitre

Information on Court of Revision

The Court of Revision is an appeal body established under the Drainage Act and administered by the Town. The Court of Revision allows landowners to challenge their drainage assessments quickly and informally. Unlike the Drainage Tribunal at the Drainage Referee, the Court of Revision has one power - to re-allocate funds in a drainage assessment schedule.

Meeting details

The Court of Revision only meets when the Town has approved proceeding with a drainage project. The meetings take place at Town Hall. View our Meeting Calendar to access agendas and minutes.

Committee members

The Committee members for the term ending November 14, 2026 are:

  • Mayor Gary McNamara
  • Councillor James Dorner
  • Councillor Alicia Higgison
  • Councillor Tania Jobin
  • Councillor Rick Tonial

Information on Dog Pound Committee

The Town of Tecumseh entered into an Agreement with the Towns of Lakeshore, Essex, and LaSalle for the joint operation of a dog pound. Each of the municipalities provides representation on the Joint Dog Pound Committee to assist in overseeing the dog pound operations.

Meeting details

The Town of Lakeshore schedules the meetings of the Dog Pound Committee.

Committee member

The Committee member for the term ending November 14, 2026 is Councillor Rick Tonial.

Information on the Essex County Library Board

The Library Board consists of seven (7) members. After a municipal election, each local municipality in Essex County forwards to the County Clerk, the name of a nominee from their municipality to serve as a representative on the Essex County Library Board. The Essex County Striking Committee shall review the names of the nominees received and makes final recommendations for the Essex County Library Board appointees to County Council for approval. The number of County Councillors appointed to the Library Board shall not exceed four (4), in accordance with the Public Libraries Act.

Library Board members receive payment and mileage compensation for attending meetings.

Meeting details

The Library Board meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday, usually at 7:00 pm, (except for July and August) at the Essex County Civic Centre, located at 360 Fairview Avenue, Essex.

For further information regarding the Essex County Library, including accessing their meeting dates, agendas, and minutes, visit their website

Committee member

The Town's representative on the Essex County Library Board for the term ending November 14, 2026 is Deputy Mayor Joe Bachetti.

Information on ERCA

In 1973, the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) was established. Its purpose is to manage the natural resources of the Essex region with help from the municipalities and the Province of Ontario.

Local municipalities and the City of Windsor appoint members to ERCA.

Meeting details

The ERCA Board members meet monthly on a Thursday, at 6 pm, in the Essex County Civic Centre. ERCA's website has more information on Board meetings, agendas, and minutes.

Committee members

The Board is made up of:

  • 2 members of Council appointed from each local municipality
  • 1 member of Council from the Township of Pelee
  • 4 members from Windsor City Council.

The Town of Tecumseh's representatives on ERCA until November 14, 2026 are:

  • Deputy Mayor Joe Bachetti
  • Councillor Tania Jobin

Information on Essex Power Corporation Board of Directors

The Town of Tecumseh, together with the Towns of Amherstburg, LaSalle, and the Municipality of Leamington are the holders and beneficial owners of common shares in Essex Power Corporation (Essex Power). Essex Power provides power to over 28,000 residents and businesses in Amherstburg, LaSalle, Leamington, and Tecumseh. Its mission statement is to provide safe, reliable, and economical energy supply and services to its customers.

Under an Agreement between the shareholders, each municipality is required to appoint an elected municipal representative and a non-elected representative for their respective community to the Essex Power Corporation Board of Directors. The Directors may also be appointed to the Board of an Essex Power subsidiary; namely: Essex Powerlines Corporation, Essex Power Services, and Essex Energy Corporation. Visit the Essex Power Corporation website for more information

Meeting details

The Essex Power Corporation Board of Directors meets quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December usually on a Wednesday, at 4:00 pm, at 200-2199 Blackacre Drive, Oldcastle

Committee members

The Town of Tecumseh representatives appointed to the Essex Power Corporation Board of Directors are:

  • Mayor Gary McNamara (until November 14, 2026)
  • Tom Burton (until December 31, 2024).

The Heritage Committee is appointed under the Ontario Heritage Act (Act). The Committee may advise on matters related to the Act and to properties in the Town that have cultural heritage value and that the Town may wish to protect from destruction or harmful change by passing of a Designation By-law as provided for in the Act.

Tecumseh Council is required, under the Act, to consult with its Heritage Committee during the designation/repeal-of-designation process for individual properties or districts and on applications to demolish/remove structures from, or otherwise alter designated properties.

The statutory role of the Municipal Heritage Committee is as follows:

  • Designation - advise Council prior to the designation of a property;
  • Repeal of Designation - advise Council prior to the repeal of a by-law or part thereof designating property;
  • Amendment of Designation - advise Council prior to the amendment of a by-law or part thereof designating a property;
  • Alteration of a Designated Property - advise Council on applications to alter a designated property where such proposed alteration may affect the reasons for designation as set out in the by-law designating the property;
  • Demolition - advise Council on applications to demolish or remove any building or structure on designated property;
  • Easements / Covenants - advise Council before the passing of by-laws providing for the entering into of easements or covenants with the owners of real property, or interests therein, for the conservation of buildings of historical or architectural value or interest; and
  • Districts - advise Council before passing a by-law to define one or more areas to be examined for designation as a heritage conservation district.

Heritage Committee Terms of Reference

Meeting details

The Heritage Committee meets monthly, on the third Monday, at 6:00 pm., in the Sandwich South Room at Tecumseh Town Hall. View our Meeting Calendar to access agendas and minutes.

Committee members

This Committee is currently under review.

The Essex County OPP Detachment  Board (North) is a joint detachment board for the three communities of the Town of Essex, Town of Tecumseh, and Municipality of Lakeshore.
Beginning April 1, 2024, the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA, 2019) in Ontario will replace the Police Services Act, 1990. As a result, the Police Services Boards for Tecumseh, Essex and Lakeshore were dissolved, and the Essex County OPP Detachment Board (North) has been established.


Meeting Details:

The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:00 pm. The future meeting schedule for the new detachment board has yet to be determined. 


Board Members:

Board members appointed to date are as follows:
Lakeshore Mayor Tracey Bailey
Lakeshore Community Representative Julie Johnston
Essex Mayor Sherry Bondy
Essex Community Representative Dave Kigar
Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara
Tecumseh Community Representative Paul Sweet


What is the Essex County OPP Detachment Board?

Police services boards oversee how policing is provided in their local community. Under the new legislation, police service boards are to be representative of the communities they serve. These boards contribute to their community’s safety and well-being by working with local citizens and organizations to make sure their community receives the appropriate policing it needs. To ensure the delivery of adequate and effective policing in their area of responsibility, police services boards work to establish priorities, objectives and policies for policing in their jurisdiction.

Information on the Property Standards Committee

A Property Standards By-law was passed by Tecumseh Town Council. The by-law provides for a Property Standards Committee comprised of three (3) members. Council selects the members of the Committee from the Committee of Adjustment. The Property Standards Committee considers appeals from orders issued by the Property Standards Officer.

Meeting details

Meetings of this Committee are only required when someone appeals such an order.

Committee members

The Committee members for the term ending November 14, 2026 are:

  • Paul Jobin
  • Tom Marentette
  • Doug Pitre

Information on TAAC

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, (AODA) provides that municipalities must establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee. The responsibilities of TAAC are:

  • Provides advice to Council, each year, about the preparation, implementation, and effectiveness of the municipality's Accessibility Plan
  • Reviews blueprints and designs;
  • Tours existing facilities and suggests improvements;
  • Carries out all obligations of an Accessibility Advisory Committee as established by the AODA.

In accordance with the AODA, a majority of the members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee shall be persons with disabilities. The Committee includes:

  • 1 member of County Council
  • 6 representatives from the disability community.

Meeting details

The TAAC meets quarterly in the Council Chambers of Tecumseh Town Hall. View our Meeting Calendar to access agendas and minutes.

Committee members

The following are the members on the Tecumseh Accessibility Advisory Committee until November 14, 2026:

  • Councillor Alicia Higgison
  • Melissa Bloomfield
  • Tracey Crow
  • Ron Doherty
  • Ron Matysek
  • Christine Quaglia
  • Patrick Strong

Information on Rural Broadband Advisory Committee

The need for broadband connectivity has been increasing in the last 20 years and became more important than ever in 2020. This need has been magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic with Council and Administration receiving many inquiries from ratepayers. Whether students, teleworkers or businesses, the need for reliable internet connectivity is now considered an essential service that should be made available to all. In recent years, there have been some improvements to this service but there are still many areas of the Town that are underserved. 

Council recommended the establishment of an advisory committee that will provide recommendations, advice and information to Council on matters related to broadband connectivity issues.

The objectives of the Committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Develop a program to help solve the connectivity challenges of the Town’s residents and businesses.
  • Facilitate and enable stakeholder engagement and consultation sessions. Ensure the engagement and creation of opportunities for involvement of residents, stakeholders and businesses across the Town;
  • Work in collaboration with members of Town Council and Administration in developing possible solutions and programs to support enhanced connectivity in the Town;
  • Subject to Council approval, the development of a plan for implementing the goals and directions as recommended by the Committee, including metrics and deliverables.

View the Terms of Reference for the Rural Broadband Advisory Committee.

Meeting Details

The Committee will meet quarterly.

Committee Members

The following are the members on the Rural Broadband Advisory Committee until November 14, 2026:

  • Mayor Gary McNamara
  • Councillor Brian Houston
  • Councillor Tania Jobin
  • Nicole Colenutt
  • Aldo DiNardo
  • Darrin Drouillard
  • Dan Grosu 

Contact Us

Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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