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Municipal Drains

Tecumseh is home to over 120 municipal drains. View map of municipal drains or use the Town's interactive mapping service

*For specific information pertaining to a drainage project within the Town of Tecumseh, such as Engineer's Reports, notices, scope of work, and next steps, that you have received notice for or have concerns regarding, use the listing under the Drain Projects section.

*For meeting information (i.e. notification) on current drainage projects, see Drainage Meetings or Public Council Meetings sections.

*To access Notice of Request forms (i.e. for drain maintenance, appeal to Tribunal, Court of Revision, etc.) to complete and submit to the Town, see the Notice of Requests forms (download form to view and complete). For general information on municipal drains and legislation, see the Overview or Additional Resources section.

*To request an alternative format of an Engineer's Report for a drainage works affecting your property, use the online forum available through the Request for Copy of Engineer's Report (Alternative Format) section.

If you require more information or have any questions regarding the Town's municipal drains and drainage projects, please contact the Drainage Superintendent at 519-735-2184 ext.140. 

Drainage Projects

The Town's current municipal drainage project(s) are shown below. Click the '+' icon for more information on the project(s).

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • Drainage works to be completed following the County Road 42 road works. 

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • If any, changes ordered by the Court, or matter brought to Tribunal, and once all appeals (under either section 48(1) or 54(1) of the Drainage Act) have been heard or time for appeal has expired, third and final reading at following regular council meeting to pass as By-law.

Meeting Notice

  • First sitting of the Court of Revision for the Reconsidered Report is scheduled for October 10th, 2023 @4:30pm. Click here for notice.

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • The Engineer has submitted a revised Drainage Report for reconsideration. The purpose of the Court of Revision is to hear appeals on assessments. Notice of appeal to the Court shall be given to the Clerk by Sunday, October 1, 2023 (ten [10] days prior to the first sitting of the Court) and shall state the grounds of appeal. 

Meeting Notice

  • Virtual site meeting scheduled for March 21st, 2023 @2:30pm. Click here for notice. 

Scope of Work

  • Construction of two new enclosures over the Gouin Drain next to new manufacturing facility (NextStar Energy), currently under construction. 

Next Steps

  • Draft Engineer's Report to be submitted for review. 

Construction Notice

  • Construction has resumed. Click here for notice.

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  •  Construction in progress + warranty evaluation by Town, Engineer, and affected landowners.

Meeting Notice

  • Court of Revision scheduled for March 14th, 2023 @4:45pm. Click here for notice. 

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • If any, changes ordered by the Court, or matter brought to Tribunal, and once all appeals (under either section 48(1) or 54(1) of the Drainage Act) have been heard or time for appeal has expired, third and final reading at following regular council meeting to pass as By-law.

Construction Notice

  • Construction is in progress. Click here for notice. 

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • Construction in progress. 

Meeting Notice

  • Court of Revision scheduled for February 14th, 2023 @4:00pm. Click here for notice. 

Scope of Work

Next Steps

  • If any, changes ordered by the Court, or matter brought to Tribunal, and once all appeals (under either section 48(1) or 54(1) of the Drainage Act) have been heard or time for appeal has expired, third and final reading at following regular council meeting to pass as By-law.

Meeting Notices

  • Public Information Center scheduled for February 2nd, 2023 @ 2:00pm. Click here for notice. 

Next Steps

  • Meeting to consider Engineer’s Report once final version filed with Town.

Drainage Meetings

Active Notices

Once the Engineer is appointed by Council, an on-site meeting is scheduled thereafter with affected landowners. Notification is provided in advance by mail and herein online in accordance with Section 9(1) of the Drainage Act

It is at this meeting that affected landowners get an opportunity to express their requests and concerns regarding the municipal drainage works in the presence of the Town Drainage Superintendent and appointed Engineer. The Engineer obtains information regarding the drain (i.e. area requiring drainage) and may entertain requests from landowners. 

Once a draft report has been received, the appointed Engineer and Town may host a Public Information Center (PIC) to present the report to affected landowners. Notification is provided in advance by mail and herein online. 

The purpose of this meeting is to present the draft report for the proposed drainage works and answer to input, questions, or concerns that affected landowners may have regarding the project. These meetings are not a requirement of the Drainage Act, but the Town will do so to solicit input from affected landowners.

Affected landowners who would like to participate in an upcoming on-site meeting or Public Information Center, please register through our online portal using the Drain Meeting Registration link below.


Public Council Meetings

See the Meeting Calendar for more information on upcoming meetings.

Active Notices

The progression of municipal drain projects is facilitated through consultation with affected landowners and Council during public meetings of consideration and appeals legislated through the Drainage Act. Notification is provided in advance by mail and herein online in accordance with Section 41 and 46(1) & (2) of the Drainage Act

At a scheduled Public Council Meeting, consideration is given to the Engineer's report. All affected landowners are able to express their concerns regarding any technical aspect of the report before Council proceeds to provisionally adopt the report as a By-Law.

Established under Section 97 of the Drainage Act, the Court of Revision is an appeal body that hears objections to the Schedule of Assessment in the Engineer's report and decides whether they are valid.

An owner of land assessed for drainage works may appeal to the Court of Revision by filing a notice with the Town Clerk on any of the following grounds:

  • Any land or road has been assessed an amount that is too high or too low;
  • Any land or road that should have been assessed has not been assessed; and/or
  • Due consideration has not been given to the use being made of the land.

Once the Engineer's report is adopted by Council at the Meeting to Consider as a provisional By-Law, the first sitting of the Court of Revision takes place at a scheduled Public Council Meeting with notice sent to all owners of the lands and roads assessed for the drainage works containing details of the meeting. 

The Court of Revision does not hear appeals on assessments for Drain Maintenance or Repair after the Engineer's report and the By-Law has already been passed.

Once all appeals have been settled or the time to appeal has expired, the Engineer's report is adopted by Council as a By-Law through a third reading at a Regular Council Meeting.

Persons wishing to make oral submissions during scheduled Public or Regular Council Meetings must register as a delegate by submitting a Delegation Request. Use the Council Meetings Registration link below. To simply watch the meeting, use the Town's live stream


Request for Copy of Engineer's Report (Alternative Format)

If you, as an owner of affected land, would like to receive an alternative format (i.e. printed or e-mailed) copy of the Engineer's Report, please use the online portal by clicking the link below. 


Notice of Requests for Landowners

If you are an owner of land of which is affected by a municipal drainage works and would like to file a request for maintenance, repair, improvement, or subsequent connection or disconnection, or petition for a new drainage works, the following prescribed forms are provided to complete and file with the Town Clerk*Note that they must be downloaded and opened on Adobe Reader to view and complete. Alternatively, contact the Drainage Superintendent or Assistant Drainage Superintendent to obtain a form. 


The majority of the land within the Town of Tecumseh is agricultural; therefore the need for drainage is important. Municipal drains are a commonly used tool to handle drainage and overland flow within a municipality.

A municipal drain is a regulated drainage system necessary to regulate the water table within or on any lands, which can be an open and/or closed channel by use of piping infrastructure and tiles buried underground, authorized under the Drainage Act

The municipality is responsible for the repair, maintenance, and/or improvements to the municipal drainage systems located within the Town's boundaries on behalf of the community of affected landowners involved. The Town Drainage Superintendent(s) is Council's agent responsible for managing municipal drains for the benefit of its users. The costs to repair or improve municipal drains is assessed out to the affected landowners who benefit from the Drains proportionally. The Town has no greater rights or is subject to no greater rights than any other landowner. 

The Ontario Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 is the provincial legislation that defines the process for resolving drainage issues, administered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). It provides regulation in obtaining a legal outlet for landowners with drainage problems to create, repair, maintain or improve lands to be drained. 

Drainage Solutions

It is the Town's responsibility to manage the construction and maintenance of municipal drains in accordance with the Drainage Act. The Drainage Act outlines mechanisms to formally resolve drainage issues within a municipality.

If your land requires drainage, you may file a petition for a drainage works to be implemented with the Town Clerk. The procedure for petitioning for a new drainage work follows Section 4 of the Drainage Act

The municipality maintains drainage works at the expense of all the upstream lands and roads in accordance with the By-Law for that drain, including the Engineer's report and Schedule of Assessment

Affected landowners can complete and submit a Notice of Request for Drain Maintenance and/or Repair to the municipality, or submit a written or electronic letter to the Town indicating that you are giving official notice under Section 79 of the Drainage Act that maintenance of the municipal drain is required. The procedure for maintenance and repair work follows Section 74 of the Drainage Act

Major Improvement

As an affected landowner, you can request the municipality complete a major improvement to whole or part of a drainage system. Common requests for major improvements include:

  • New access bridges or culverts
  • Replacement of existing bridges or culverts
  • Installation of piping to enclose an open drain (ditch)
  • Relocation of the drain (ditch)
  • Enclosure of section of the drain (ditch)

Affected landowners can initiate the process by completing and submitting a Notice of Request for Drain Major Improvement to the municipality. The procedure for drain repair and improvements follows Section 78 of the Drainage Act

Minor Improvement

Affected landowners may also request a minor improvement project completed on their property. Common request for minor improvements include:

  • Addition of a 2nd access crossing
  • Relocation of drain on individual property 
  • Incorporation of a buffer along the drain

Affected landowners can initiate the process by completing a Notice of Request for Drain Minor Improvement and submitting to the municipality. The procedure for drain repair and improvements follows Section 78 of the Drainage Act

When there are changes within a drain watershed due to a subsequent division by change of ownership, connection, disconnection, or extent of use of lands, assessments for future maintenance of a drainage works may be changed or varied. The procedure for updating assessment schedules as a result follows Section 65 of the Drainage Act

Drainage Assessments

A municipal drain serves a defined watershed. The benefitting lands within the area requiring drainage assessed a portion of the costs to complete the construction, repair, improvement, or maintenance work. Assessments are established for each affected property and legislated by By-Law after the timelines for any appeals have expired. 

To access a Notice of Appeal form to file with the Town Clerk for an upcoming Court of Revision for one of the Town's Active Drainage Projects, click here

If you have any concerns relating to a specific drainage assessment, contact the Town's Drainage Superintendent at 519-735-2184 ext. 140 or Assistant Drainage Superintendent at 519-735-2184 ext. 105.

The Schedule of Assessment (or Assessment Schedule) is prepared by the Engineer within the report and distributes the construction and future maintenance costs among affected landowners.

In accordance with Section 52 of the Drainage Act, any owner of land assessed for the drainage works can appeal to the Court of Revision by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Town Clerk within ten (10) days of the Court of Revision on the following grounds:

  • Land or road has been assessed too high or low
  • Land or road should have been assessed but has not
  • Due consideration had not been given to the use of the land

Property owners should be made aware that there are no appeals on assessments for maintenance after the Engineer's report is adopted and the By-Law has been passed. 

When construction is completed and final costs are known, Section 62(1) of the Drainage Act requires the Town to amend the By-Law to reflect the true costs of the drainage works to assess out accordingly. 

Assessments are levied against affected lands in accordance with the Drainage Act and all other eligibility criteria set out in the Agricultural Drainage Infrastructure Program policies

For drain maintenance and repair, the Town is not required to levy costs more than once every five (5) years if the total expense incurred is less than $5,000 in accordance with Section 75(3) of the Drainage Act.

Grants may be provided towards assessments on lands designated as agricultural eligible for the Farm Property Class Tax Rate for drain construction, improvement, repair, or maintenance work. The current grant rate in southern Ontario is 33.33%.

Grant applications are submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) by the municipality. Grants are not provided for the cost of a lateral drain serving a singular property, beginning and ending on that property. 

Additional Resources

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) provides various Fact Sheets and eReference Tools for an increased understanding of municipal drains regulation found below:

Species at Risk Mitigation Plan for Drainage Works

When working around municipal drains, there is the potential to come across plants and species identified as being at risk. It The Town has prepared a Mitigation Plan In accordance with O.Reg. 242/08 of the ESA, 2007. 

In Ontario, the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA, 2007) legally identifies, protects, and provides for the recovery of species at risk (SAR) and habitat protection. This is facilitated through provisions for permits, agreements, and regulations to allow activities such as drainage to occur safely. 

The Species at Risk Act, 2002 (SAR, 2002) provides for the recovery of species that are endangered or threatened as a result of human activity or prevent them from becoming endangered as a result of activity such as drainage works.

Contact Us

Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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