The Town of Tecumseh, located along the southern shores of Lake St. Clair in the County of Essex and in the Essex Region Watershed, encompasses a geographic area of approximately 9,500 hectares (ha). There are five (5) subwatersheds: Pike Creek, Canard River, Tecumseh Area Drainage, Turkey Creek, and Little River. Approximately 96% of the landscape consists of anthropogenic features (residential, commercial, agricultural, etc.) while the remaining 4% is made up of natural areas. There are approximately 120 Municipal Drains that transport stormwater through these subwatersheds and across the landscape. The Municipal Drains total approximately 221 kilometres of open and closed drainage systems within the limits of the Town of Tecumseh. In addition, 3 pump stations pump stormwater into the surrounding natural watercourses. Under the Drainage Act, 1990, the Town of Tecumseh is required to administer the maintenance, repair, and improvements to all Municipal Drains constructed under By-Law.
See what Municipal Drains are in your area by viewing Municipal Drains: View map of municipal drains or use the Town's interactive mapping service.
If you require more information or have any questions regarding the Town's municipal drains and drainage projects, please contact the Drainage Department at or at 519-735-2184 ext.105 or ext. 138.